Themis Chronopoulos

Home Publications Projects Speaking


Books and Edited Collections

Chronopoulos, Themis. Housing, Urban Planning, and Gentrification in New York City. New York: Routledge, 2019.

Agee, Christopher and Themis Chronopoulos, eds. Urban America and the Police since World War II. Special Issue of the Journal of Urban History. In press.

Chronopoulos, Themis and Jonathan Soffer, eds. After the Urban Crisis: New York and the Rise of Inequality. Special Issue of the Journal of Urban History 43(6) (November 2017): 855-959.

Chronopoulos, Themis. Spatial Regulation in New York City: From Urban Renewal to Zero Tolerance. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Articles and Book Chapters

Chronopoulos, Themis. “Race, Class, and Gentrification in Harlem since 1980.” In Daniel Matlin and Andrew Fearnley, eds. Race Capital? Harlem as Place and Symbol since 1900. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2019).

Chronopoulos, Themis. “The Making of the Orderly City: New York since the 1980s.” In Christopher Agee and Themis Chronopoulos, eds., Urban America and the Police since World War II. Special Section of the Journal of Urban History.

Schneider, Eric C., Christopher Agee, and Themis Chronopoulos. “Dirty Work: Police and Community Relations and the Limits of Liberalism in Postwar Philadelphia.” In Christopher Agee and Themis Chronopoulos, eds., Urban America and the Police since World War II. Special Section of the Journal of Urban History. In press.

Chronopoulos, Themis. “Race, Class, and Gentrification in Harlem since 1980.” In Daniel Matlin and Andrew Fearnley, eds. Race Capital? Harlem as Place and Symbol since 1900. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019, 243-266.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Police Misconduct, Community Opposition, and Urban Governance in New York City, 1945-1965." Journal of Urban History 44(4) (July 2018): 643-668.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "The Rebuilding of the South Bronx after the Fiscal Crisis." In After the Urban Crisis: New York and the Rise of Inequality, edited by Themis Chronopoulos and Jonathan Soffer. Special Section of the Journal of Urban History 43(6) (November 2017): 932-959.

Chronopoulos, Themis and Jonathan Soffer. Introduction. After the Urban Crisis: New York and the Rise of Inequality. Special Issue of the Journal of Urban History 43(6) (November 2017): 855-863.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "African Americans, Gentrification, and Neoliberal Urbanization: The Case of Fort Greene, Brooklyn." Journal of African American Studies 20(3-4) (December 2016): 294-322.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Urban Spatial Mobility in the Age of Sustainability." In Incomplete Streets: Processes, Practices and Possibilities, edited by Stephen Zavestoski and Julian Agyeman. New York: Routledge, 2015, 54-76.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "The Lindsay Administration and the Sanitation Crisis of New York City, 1966-1973." Journal of Urban History 40(6) (November 2014): 1138-1154.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Robert Moses and the Visual Dimension of Physical Disorder: Efforts to Demonstrate Urban Blight in the Age of Slum Clearance." Journal of Planning History 13(3) (August 2014): 207-233.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "The Multiethnic Neighborhood in the United States." Journal of Urban History 40(2) (March 2014): 388-394.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "The Politics of Race and Class and the Changing Spatial Fortunes of the McCarren Pool in Brooklyn, New York, 1936-2010." Space and Culture 16(1) (February 2013): 104-122.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Congestion Pricing: The Political Viability of a Neoliberal Spatial Mobility Proposal in Stockholm, London, and New York City." Urban Research and Practice 5(2) (July 2012): 187-208.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "The Neoliberal Political-Economic Collapse of Argentina and the Spatial Fortification of Institutions in Buenos Aires, 1998-2010." City 15(5) (October 2011): 510-531.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Morality, Social Disorder, and the Working Class in Times Square, 1892-1954." Australasian Journal of American Studies 30(1) (July 2011): 1-19.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Political Power and Passive Citizenship: The Implications of Considering African American Prisoners as Residents of Rural New York State Districts." Afro-Americans in New York Life and History 34(2) (July 2010): 7-33.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Urban Decline and the Withdrawal of New York University from University Heights, The Bronx." The Bronx County Historical Society Journal XLVI (Spring/Fall 2009): 4-24.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Neoliberalism in the Southern Cone." Latin American Perspectives 35(6) (November 2008): 174-178.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Paddy Chayefsky's 'Marty' and Its Significance to the Social History of Arthur Avenue, The Bronx, in the 1950s." The Bronx County Historical Society Journal XLIV (Spring/Fall 2007): 50-59.

Chronopoulos, Themis. "Neoliberal Reform and Urban Space: The Cartoneros of Buenos Aires, 2001-2005." City 10(2) (July 2006): 167-182.

Themis Chronopoulos
Associate Professor of American Studies
Department of Political and Cultural Studies
Swansea University
Swansea SA2 8PP
